Some Common Questions:

Q. Will my Insurance pay?

 Most Insurance plans do have counseling benefits and do pay for a significant portion of the cost.


Q. Who decides how long my counseling will last?

You and your counselor together will decide how often you will come and for what length of time. The treatment process varies and is designed to meet your specific needs.

Q. Who goes to counseling?

Anyone! Counseling can be helpful to men, women, children and families.

Q. The problem really is with my spouse, but he/she refuses to come in--what can I do?

Start by coming in yourself, then together with your counselor you can discuss ways to invite your spouse when the time is right.

Q. If I tell you what's really going on, what will you think?

Making positive changes in your life requires honesty, especially to yourself -- that's something we respect. We're not here to judge you; we are here to help.

Q. How long will it take until I feel better?

Most clients report that they begin to feel better very quickly after counseling begins.

Q. Does my employer need to know I'm coming here?

 Except for very special circumstances, no, your employer will not know. Counseling is confidential, and the only people who know are the people with whom you share the information.

Q. What do you do with my personal information?

We DO NOT collect your personal information on our website. We simply share information about our practice with you. Please view our Privacy Policy and our Terms and Conditions links. We are required to provide these forms when you come for services.